Papers and Workshops
Young people in Australia continue to be confronted by multiple tensions and concerns in this disrupted world. These include the impact of the pandemic, global inequity, technological change and ongoing racial tensions, as well as the critical need to consider Indigenous perspectives, threats to democracy and climate change. These issues are impacting on students’ lives now and will affect their futures.
The SCEAA 2021 Conference will explore how Social and Citizenship educators can empower young people to understand the issues of these times, voice their opinions around issues affecting their own and others’ lives, and be active and informed members of their schools and communities.
Papers and workshop abstract submissions are invited on the following themes:
- Implementing social, civics and citizenship education, both in and beyond schools, to enable youth voice and agency in these disrupted times.
- Sharing teaching and learning approaches that involve young people and promote understanding of contemporary issues in engaging ways.
- Learning from young people who are participatory citizens in schools and communities.
- Addressing the challenges and opportunities for civics and citizenship education in schools and the wider education community.
Abstract Deadlines
- Submission has closed
Preparing your Abstracts:
Paper and workshops submission instructions
Note: The number of papers and workshops that can be accepted is limited by the program.
Proposals that are not received by the due date will not be considered.
Title (max 20 words): The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the abstract and presentation.
Abstracts (max 250 words).
Papers: Should include relevant information including connection to the conference theme, background or scope of the study; significance and aims of the research; research design; key findings; and implications for further educational research.
Workshops: Should include relevant information including connection to the conference theme, aims of the workshop, how participants will be involved, and how the focus will contribute to their professional learning.
References are not required. If you wish to include them, they must be included in the body of your text and included in the 250-word count.
Do not use tables or figures.
The detailed formatting instructions below must be followed.
Please complete and submit the SCEAA Abstract Submission Form together with your abstract.
Abstract Review Process
All abstract proposals for workshops and papers are peer-reviewed by SCEAA committee academics to:
- Ensure rigour and quality of research in the conference presentations.
- Ensure alignment with the conference themes.
- Contributes to development of knowledge and understanding of the conference themes.
- Provides a clear and concise
Key dates
May 12th: Abstract proposals open.
June 12th: Proposals close.
July 2nd: Presenters notified; timing of the presentations will be decided by the conference organisers.
Note: AUTHORS MUST BE FULLY REGISTERED FOR THE CONFERENCE BY 31st JULY 2021 FOR THEIR ABSTRACT TO APPEAR IN THE PROGRAM, and for them to be able to present, as this is a participants’ conference.
Formatting Instructions
Submission Instructions
Please download the Abstract Submission Form and submit the completed form along with your formatted abstract.
Abstracts should be emailed to:
abstractssceaa2021 AT or
libby.tudball AT
Please make sure to insert the AT sign where it needs to be without spaces either side -
or click the envelope below