Papers & Workshops
Young people in Australia continue to be confronted by multiple tensions and concerns in this disrupted world. These include the impact of the pandemic, global inequity, technological change and ongoing racial tensions, as well as the critical need to consider Indigenous perspectives, threats to democracy and climate change. These issues are impacting on students’ lives now and will affect their futures.
The SCEAA 2021 Conference will explore how Social and Citizenship educators can empower young people to understand the issues of these times, voice their opinions around issues affecting their own and others’ lives, and be active and informed members of their schools and communities.
Papers and workshop abstract submissions were invited on the following themes:
- Implementing social, civics and citizenship education, both in and beyond schools, to enable youth voice and agency in these disrupted times.
- Sharing teaching and learning approaches that involve young people and promote understanding of contemporary issues in engaging ways.
- Learning from young people who are participatory citizens in schools and communities.
- Addressing the challenges and opportunities for civics and citizenship education in schools and the wider education community.
- Human-centred approaches to teaching and learning in these disrupted times - Sophie Fenton (PhD Candidate, Monash University
- Contextualising education for global competence to enhance student voice and agency - Dr Karena Menzie-Ballantyne, Dr Miriam Ham, Misbah Samar, Marini Budiarti (CQ University)
Controversial conversations in the classroom - Narelle Wood and Carolyn Scott (Parliament of Victoria)
- Empowering voice and agency in our democracy through Museum of Australian Democracy resources - Stephanie Smith (Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House)
- Service Learning and reciprocity. How one NGO and their supporting schools are making magic happen – and how you can too! - Kim Miller and Ian Tymms (Schools and Partnerships Coordinator, Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation)
- Participation, youth development and child voice in education and social work – how and why - Kim Miller (Schools and Partnerships Coordinator, Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation)
- *From the power of the individual to creating systemic change – inspiring students to start where they are - Ben Randall (The Human, Earth Project)
- The democratic classroom: empowering students through school parliaments - Sarah Kippen and Andrew Back (Parliamentary Education Office, Australian Parliament House, Canberra)
- Cross-curricular opportunities for integrated active citizenship in the middle years (Years 5-8) - Peter Brett (University of Tasmania)
- Towards Collectively Empowering “Lived Citizenship Communities” among Diverse Victorian Youth - Marc Pruyn (Monash University)
- Global Citizenship Education during the pandemic: Learning from #StopAsianHate - Dr. Eun-Ji Amy Kim (Griffith University)
Youth disengagement from formal politics: Addressing causes and solutions through civics and citizenship education - Jasmine Xu (Methodist Ladies’ College)
- Teacher education practices for contemporary issues through the global sustainable development goals (SDGS) - Suzanne Macqueen, Kate Ferguson-Patrick, Ruth Reynolds (University of Newcastle)
- From active to activist citizenship education - Bryan Smith (James Cook University), Keith Heggart (University of Technology Sydney), Jia Ying Neoh, Yeow-Tong Chia (The University of Sydney)
Youth as change agents are our future - Deb Green and Debbie Price (Education Futures, University of South Australia)
- The perceptions of young citizens: Exploring issues of sustainability, globality and citizenship - Angelina Ambrosetti (Central Queensland University)
- Building political knowledge of young Australians - Dr Zareh Ghazarian (Monash University) and Dr Jacqueline Laughland-Booÿ (Australian Catholic University)
The absence of ‘student voice’ in the Australian curriculum Dr Catherine Hartung (Swinburne University of Technology and Janine Forbes Rolfe
(Swinburne University of Technology & PhD candidate Monash University)